Two old women walk along a sandy beach
Decked in glorious finery that sparkles like the ocean.
Laughing, they speak of the past they have shared
Filled with lovers and friends and dreams.
But though they laugh out loud, one silently cries.
Her tears reflect the painful glittering memories
As though they were stars on a clear night,
Infinite in number, but each one forever distinct.
The tide washes over their feet in a constant rhythm,
Burying their painted toes in the cool, white sand.
The moment is sealed by each woman's personal ecstasy,
At experiencing a glorious blend of land and water.
But harmony does not exist in the thoughts of both women,
As the inner tears of the one liquefy and are born into reality.
The salty memory rolls down her weathered brown cheek
To join its brothers on the earthly mother ship at her feet.
Yet her tears go unnoticed by her content companion
Who remains a smiling figure in the midst of her memories.
How could she know of a past that is not her own
Filled with immeasurable sorrow and grief.
The tears fall harder and grow more numerous
Their attempts to cool the flushed old cheeks are in vain.
Anger builds within their source as she continues to break
Noting how her pain is again unseen by those she loves.
Betrayal once again shows its unforgivable self
And whispers secrets in her ear in its mocking tone.
She shakes her head, hoping to ward off unwanted thoughts,
Trying to force her purposeless mourning into permanent hiding.
A sudden urge to run into the oncoming waves surfaces
As an unfamiliar emotion takes a firm hold.
"What good is it, living in the past," it tells her
“When the present gives reason for rejoicing?”
The words ring through her mind like a chapel bell
Echoing for miles into her distant memories.
Grabbing her companion's hand, she runs toward the dusk
Her content laughter glittering among the infinite stars.