Which me would you like to see today?
Which face would you like to describe?
Tell me how I am supposed to act today,
Tell me in what voice I should speak.
Which me are you assuming is here today?
Which beliefs do you think I currently hold?
Tell me what people I should represent.
Tell me what agenda I am here to fulfill.
Which me would you like to ignore today?
Which stories are not important right now?
Tell me what thoughts should stay secrets,
Tell me what voices should remain unheard.
Which me are you surprised by today?
Which pieces just don't seem to fit?
Tell me what you think is "odd" or "unexpected,"
Tell me what about me makes you uncomfortable.
"Which me?" is a question I am tired of asking,
"Which voice?" does not make any sense.
The pieces of me cannot be separated,
The faces and stories are all intertwined.
I am more than you choose to see today,
My face has more to it than you can describe.
My actions and beliefs are not unexpected of me.
My stories all draw from an indivisible whole.
The pieces I share are not one-dimensional.
The voices I speak are not soloists but a choir.
"Which me" you can see does not change day by day.
"Which me" you create is what you chose to see.
Which me would you like to see today?